Statutory Annual Return: Form 4 Deadline 28 April 2017

30 Mar 2017

It is a statutory requirement for all Environmental Bodies (EBs) enrolled with us to submit a Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) by 28 April 2017.

The Form 4 covers the period from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. You can submit your Form 4 anytime between now and 28 April 2017. After that date your EB will be in breach of the Regulations and be subject to enforcement action.

Please note, you are required to complete a Form 4 even if you have not received or spent any LCF money during the reporting period and/or if your EB plans to revoke from the LCF. This is known as a 'nil return'.

To help you complete your Form 4 online you can read our Easy Start Guides which are available on the right hand side of this page.

Here is an overview of the information you will need to correctly complete the Form 4.

1. You will need to review each of your approved projects, looking at the project start and end dates, and ensure that any project expenditure falls between those dates. If it does not, you will need to contact the Registrations Team to arrange an extension to your project end date. If you fail to apply for an extension, then any project expenditure outside the start and end date will be a breach and that expenditure will be non-compliant. You can read more information on our project registration page.

2. Once you have reviewed your projects and been granted any necessary extension requests, you will need the following information to complete your Form 4:

  • Any changes to your EB's Directors during the period;
  • Any changes to your governing documents for the period;
  • The value of Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) monies held and received during the period; and
  • The value and details of LCF expenditure during the period, including a cost breakdown for each project.

Completing your Form 4

The form can quickly and easily be completed and submitted through ENTRUST Online (EOL), our online database which will pre-populate many of the fields for you, with the information we already hold.

We have recently updated EOL to simplify the Form 4. We have removed the project completion tickbox and EBs will now only be required to enter a date for the last payment. We have also made it clearer when your Form 4 has been submitted. Whilst you are working on the Form 4 the status will be shown as 'Draft'. Once you submit the Form 4 the status will either show as 'Reconciled' or 'Unreconciled'. If your Form 4 status is listed as unreconciled you will need to identify the issue and resubmit the Form 4 or alternatively contact ENTRUST for advice. Once your Form 4 is reconciled you will no longer receive reminder emails from us.

If you have already registered for EOL and have forgotten your password please go to EOL, enter your email address and click on the forgotten password link. A reminder of your password will then be sent to you by email. If you would like to register to access EOL please call us on 01926 488 300 or email

If you would like any further information on completing your Form 4 you can read our Guides to completing the Form 4. We have a Quick Guide to start you off, and more detailed Guides for submitting an Annual Return or submitting a Nil Return. The guides are available as related documents on the right hand side of this page.

Protecting your EB's reputation

EBs who fail to submit an Annual Return will be 'frozen' until such time as they complete all outstanding Annual Returns. Any EB failing to submit an Annual Return by 28 April 2017 will be subject to this enforcement action and will be frozen within two weeks of this deadline. Failure to submit a Form 4 for two consecutive years will result in your EB being referred to HMRC for forcible revocation from the LCF which will have implications for the members of your management committee.

Submitting your Annual Return on time protects the reputation of your EB with funders, both existing and potential. It also demonstrates that your organisation has robust procedures and good governance. Submitting your Annual Return on time will prevent the need for any enforcement action being taken which may affect your applications for future funding.