In our 2017-2020 Corporate Plan, in order to reduce the administrative burden on Environmental Bodies (EBs) we informed EBs of our intention to move to 100 per cent online reporting across a phased three year implementation period.
In October 2018, we advised EBs that in 2019/2020 we would enter the final year of the implementation period, with the removal of the final paper forms on 1 April 2019. Following this we are now reminding EBs that there will be no Paper Form 4 (Statutory Annual Return) for the 2019/2020 year and completion of the Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) for 2019/2020 will need to be completed through ENTRUST Online (EOL).
EOL allows all EB reporting to be completed online, to reduce the burden on EBs and ensure that compliance can be readily achieved. For example, EOL includes a facility to extend projects where they are running beyond their original expected end date. If you have already registered for EOL and have forgotten your password please go to EOL, enter your email address and click on the forgotten password link and follow the instructions.
We will continue to provide support through our telephone Helpline to any individuals and EBs who find it difficult to work online. If you need any assistance in using EOL please call us on 01926 488 300 or email