Earlier in 2015 we released four new videos to help support Environmental Bodies (EBs) and other interested parties to better understand the Landfill Communities Fund.
The videos include ‘An Introduction to ENTRUST’ which gives viewers an overview of the LCF and the role ENTRUST undertakes. It also covers the requirements placed on EBs who register projects and receive funding through the LCF.
Three additional project related videos help clarify the types of projects that can be funded through the LCF under the most commonly applied for Objects – Objects D, DA and E. Each video lasts approximately two to three minutes and provides a clear and accessible way to understand the LCF. They also highlight the impact of projects on local communities and provide an opportunity to hear from project owners.
Additional training resources updated for 2015 include guides to submitting all of the relevant forms, new dates to attend our Basic Training for EBs and our Open Day event on June 23.
In 2014/2015 we developed a new approach to training, taking into account data and feedback from a range of sources. This included our EB satisfaction survey, discussions at our communications forum and at our liaison meetings with ADEB, as well as the feedback that we received from attendees at the training days we ran during 2013/2014. We have recently completed a review of the 2014/2015 training strategy which highlights the events and activity that took place through the year and the resulting feedback scores for ENTRUST training. You can read the full report on the training page of our website.