Following the recent budget, HMRC have prepared a briefing note.
This briefing note provides updates on Landfill Tax and the LCF. The full briefing can be read Here
The Government announced that the percentage credit that landfill site operators may claim against their annual landfill tax liability for contributions made to Environmental Bodies will change from 5.6% to 6.8% from 01 April 2013.
At Budget 2011 and 2012 the Government issued a challenge to Environmental Bodies to reduce their levels of unspent funds by 25% overall from 2009-10 baseline by 2013. In Budget 2013 the Government announced the Challenge will be retained but the timeframe by which EBs are expected to reduce their unspent funds will be extended to 31 March 2014, in recognition of the time it has taken for the actions taken by EBs to deliver reductions in their unspent funds.