June Updates to the Project Application Form (Entrust Online)

16 May 2024

We're pleased to announce significant enhancements to Entrust Online (EOL), effective from 3rd June 2024. These updates, focused on the Project Application Form, aim to simplify the submission process and improve the quality of information our registration staff receives.

What’s New from 3rd June 2024:

  • Automatic Landfill Site Entry: The system will now auto-populate the nearest landfill site based on your project's postcode.
  • Simplified Finance Page: There is no longer a requirement to assign a value to every item. Instead, provide a detailed project aim and item breakdown.
  • Streamlined Questions: We've reduced the number of questions to eliminate redundancy.
  • Proportional Costs: New fields for proportional registration and EB staff costs clarify requirements for complex projects.
  • Updated RORI Completion Form: Includes a simplified field for the Register of Resaleable Items, reflecting recent guidance updates.

Form Structure: The revised form is divided into three sections:

  • General Details: Captures standard information for every project.
  • Specific Details: Tailored information unique to each project.
  • Finance: Standard financial details applicable across all projects.

Address and Landfill Site Selection: A new pop-up window will aid in selecting the correct postcode for landfill site lookup, with options to edit the address for accuracy.

Project Cost Breakdown: Itemised costs have been removed to allow for a more comprehensive breakdown of project works.

Implementation: The updated form will be implemented on 3rd June 2024. Projects initiated before this date will continue in the old format, while projects started on or after 3rd June will use the new form.

Further Resources: For a detailed overview of these updates, please view our training video. We also recommend reviewing our General Guidance Update published earlier this year for additional context.

Need Help? If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact us at helpline@entrust.org.uk or call 01926 488 300.