Publication of Entrust’s Annual Report 2022/2023

4 Aug 2023

Entrust, the regulatory body for the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), is pleased to announce the publication of its Annual Report for the fiscal year 2023/2024.

Since its establishment in 1996, Entrust has served as the scheme's Regulator, working with 4,100 enrolled organisations, Landfill Operators (LOs) and HMRC to deliver circa 62,000 community projects, with a total value exceeding £1.7 billion.

The Annual Report provides a valuable insight into our efforts to ensure the effective regulation of the LCF. It highlights the organisation's commitment to supporting Environmental Bodies (EBs), through our streamlined enrolment and project approval processes. Furthermore, the report outlines the steps we have taken to provide HMRC with independent assurance that monies are spent in compliance with the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 (Regulations) and Entrust’s guidelines.

Our primary objectives aim to:

  • Mitigate the risk of any financial loss to the Taxpayer by ensuring LCF funds are used compliantly.
  • Comply with the requirements of the HMRC/Entrust Terms of Approval (ToA); and
  • Support EBs in ensuring projects adhere to the Regulations.

Key sections of the report include a review of the year from the Chair and Chief Executive, a detailed financial summary, and an overview of the organisation's strategic objectives and performance against these goals. The report also features several case studies that showcase some of the most impactful projects funded through the LCF over the past year.

During the reporting period, our focus has been on transitioning from a period of ‘lighter-touch’ regulation, initially adopted as a response to the pandemic, back into our established best practice regulatory framework. Alongside this, we've also been delighted to welcome several new staff members into our organisation, whose experience and fresh perspectives have already begun to make a positive impact.

While managing this transition, our commitment to the "coaching to compliance" ethos has remained steadfast. We continue to cultivate strong relationships with our EBs through transparent communication, frequent meetings, and providing advice and guidance via updates to our Guidance Manual and assurance process.

"Our 2023/2024 Annual Report reflects not only the hard work and commitment of our team, but also those EBs we regulate,” noted Christopher Welford, CEO of Entrust. “I believe it reflects the combined commitment of Entrust and EBs to ensure the effective operation of the LCF and the continued delivery of environmental and community benefits across England and Northern Ireland. Despite the challenges we’ve faced over the past year, we should all be proud of our achievements and look forward to another year of progress and positive impact."

You can read further detail about the work we have undertaken during this period in the full document and short summary version which are available on the right-hand side of this page.