LCF Forum: May 2014
Following feedback at the October 2013 Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) Forum there will be two Forums held this year; one on Friday 9 May and the other in October. More...
Following feedback at the October 2013 Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) Forum there will be two Forums held this year; one on Friday 9 May and the other in October. More...
We will be updating ENTRUST online (EOL) at 11am today so please ensure you have saved any changes and have logged out of EOL by this time. More...
As we set out in the background to the Value for Money (VFM) consultation issued on 11 March 2014, we are moving the VFM questions which we ask about all Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) funded projects. More...
After over 12 years service Dr Philip Smith will be retiring from the ENTRUST Board in July 2014. Philip took over as the Company’s Chairman in 2008 and since that time has been responsible for refocusing ENTRUST and creating stability including the relocation of its offices, which has resulted in the organisation successfully delivering a major transformational programme. More...
We have issued a new guidance note entitled ‘Information required for enrolment as an Environmental Body’. More...