ENTRUST phones and email - problem resolved
The problems with our email server and phones have now been resolved. More...
The problems with our email server and phones have now been resolved. More...
Following the Budget announcement on 8 March 2017, HM Revenue & Customs have released their Landfill Tax Briefing. The Briefing covers Landfill Tax, Devolution of Landfill Tax to Wales, the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) and reporting tax evasion. More...
As an effective, efficient and lean regulator we review our annual funding requirement as part of our budget planning process each year. More...
The Budget announcement on 8 March 2017 included the following paragraphs which relate to the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF): More...
In order to reduce the administrative burden on Environmental Bodies (EBs) we plan to move to 100 per cent e-delivery and online reporting of Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) activity, over a phased three year period, starting from 1 April 2017. More...