ENTRUST technical support issues - resolved
We would like to apologise to all enrolled Environmental Bodies (EBs) who may have needed to access ENTRUST Online (EOL) or contact us by email during this time. More...
We would like to apologise to all enrolled Environmental Bodies (EBs) who may have needed to access ENTRUST Online (EOL) or contact us by email during this time. More...
We are currently experiencing issues with accessing our systems, this includes access both internally and externally to ENTRUST Online (EOL). We are also unable to receive emails at this time. More...
We work closely with Environmental Bodies (EBs) to improve awareness of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) and our role as Regulator of the fund. We're committed to keeping you up to date and to monitoring your feedback about our services. We have two opportunities coming up to engage with us, either to find out more about us or to tell us what you think of our regulatory services. More...
The issues we were experiencing with our phone system on Tuesday 29 May have been resolved. More...
We have rolled forward the financial year in EOL to 2018/2019. This means that the Statutory Annual Return for 2018/2019 is now available to all EOL users as the current year return. More...