Review of the ENTRUST training strategy 2018/2019
ENTRUST continues to run an annual training programme for stakeholders which we consider helps to coach Environmental Bodies (EBs) to compliance and delivers Value for Money (VfM). More...
ENTRUST continues to run an annual training programme for stakeholders which we consider helps to coach Environmental Bodies (EBs) to compliance and delivers Value for Money (VfM). More...
ENTRUST has a statutory responsibility to ensure Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) monies are spent compliantly under the Terms of Approval with HMRC and the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 (Regulations). More...
We are pleased to publish the full year Compliance and Enforcement Findings report for 2018/2019. More...
We are pleased to publish our Corporate Plan for 2019-2022, which sets out the activities which we consider are key to our delivery of regulatory services for the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) across the period of the Plan. More...
It is a statutory requirement for all Environmental Bodies (EBs) enrolled with ENTRUST to submit a Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) by 28 April 2019. More...