Framework for reviewing project applications
Our framework for assessing projects considered high risk has been updated to provide better clarity on what information we require when processing certain project applications. More...
Our framework for assessing projects considered high risk has been updated to provide better clarity on what information we require when processing certain project applications. More...
As part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement, customer service and stakeholder satisfaction we have reviewed and updated our Customer Charter and reviewed our standards of service. More...
We would like to remind Environmental Bodies (EBs) of the guidance levels referred to in the Administration Costs and Unspent Funds framework relating to administration costs and unspent funds, and recommend that if they are not meeting the guidance level, they take appropriate action before 31 March 2020. More...
Environmental Bodies (EBs) enrolled in the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) with ENTRUST, have a statutory responsibility, as part of their enrolment to ensure that the records of the EB Governing Members (for example, Trustees and Directors), and the EB Governing Documents are kept up to date on ENTRUST Online (EOL). More...
We are pleased to publish the Quarterly Compliance and Enforcement Findings report for the first six months of 2019/2020. This report summarises our compliance findings and enforcement action taken in the first two quarters of the year and is published to help Environmental Bodies (EBs) understand the most common non-compliant issues so that they can take action to avoid encountering these issues themselves. The report also provides recommended actions so that EBs can understand how to put appropriate controls in place to avoid these issues. More...