Entrust Publishes 2024-2025 Corporate Plan

21 May 2024

We are pleased to share our comprehensive Corporate Plan for 2024-2025. The document outlines several strategic priorities aimed at enhancing our regulatory role and ensuring the effective management of the Fund.

Overall, the plan, structured around four key priorities, sets the stage for continued operational improvement and stakeholder engagement initiatives.

Key Highlights:


1. Core Regulatory Activities: We focus on developing a more bespoke regulatory approach, understanding the unique needs of our stakeholders. This means offering clear, accessible advice and ongoing support to Environmental Bodies (EBs) to ensure they comply with the Landfill Tax Regulations.

2. Enhancing Operational Efficiency: Operational efficiency is central to our 2024-2025 plan. We are finalising our IT modernisation, including the full rollout of Microsoft Office 365, to streamline workflows and boost team collaboration. Additionally, we have moved to a new, cost-effective workspace designed to encourage collaboration and innovation.

3. Stakeholder Engagement: We aim to improve our engagement with stakeholders. Our plan includes actively seeking feedback, clarifying roles and expectations, and redeveloping our website for easier access to guidance and updates. These steps will help us build stronger, more transparent relationships with everyone involved in the LCF.

4. Strengthening Compliance Framework: We are enhancing our compliance procedures with a focus on a more responsive risk-based approach to ensure funds are used correctly. Improvements in communication and collaboration with stakeholders are key, fostering a cooperative environment for feedback and issue resolution. This will make our compliance activities more effective and ensure the responsible use of LCF funds.

The 2024-2025 Corporate Plan showcases our commitment to improving our regulatory activities, supporting stakeholders, and ensuring LCF funds are used effectively and transparently. By focusing on innovation, collaboration, and compliance, we aim to continue making a positive impact on communities and the environment.