EB Satisfaction Survey Findings 2021
We are pleased to publish the results of our 2021 Environmental Body (EB) Satisfaction Survey. More...
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We are pleased to publish the results of our 2021 Environmental Body (EB) Satisfaction Survey. More...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, in line with government guidance we suspended all physical compliance visits to Environmental Bodies (EBs). During 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 to date we have undertaken our compliance programme through a mix of telephone, email and video conferencing. We would like to thank all EBs who have had a compliance inspection during this period for their patience, co-operation and support for this approach. More...
ENTRUST continues to run an annual programme of training events for Environmental Bodies (EBs) to support EBs to comply with the requirements of the Landfill Tax Regulations (1996) and ENTRUST guidance. More...
When Environmental Bodies (EBs) complete certain tasks in ENTRUST Online (EOL), the system sends automatic emails as a record of the action and in some cases as a reminder to complete further tasks. These emails are sent to the Main Contact of the EB and in some cases the individual who submitted the form. Sending emails to both allows emails to be received by both the Main Contact and the person completing the administration and reporting tasks in that particular case, ensuring there is no delay in information being received. More...
In line with best Corporate Governance practice, a number of ENTRUST's Board members have either reached, or are coming to the end of their tenure as Board members. More...