
Welcome to ENTRUST News.

11 Aug 2021

ENTRUST Online (EOL) automatic emails

When Environmental Bodies (EBs) complete certain tasks in ENTRUST Online (EOL), the system sends automatic emails as a record of the action and in some cases as a reminder to complete further tasks. These emails are sent to the Main Contact of the EB and in some cases the individual who submitted the form. Sending emails to both allows emails to be received by both the Main Contact and the person completing the administration and reporting tasks in that particular case, ensuring there is no delay in information being received. More...

6 Aug 2021

2021/2022 Compliance Project Risk Model

On 9 April 2021 we published details of our 2021/2022 Compliance Programme. This included details of our new Project Risk Model. Based upon our initial use of the Model, we have updated the indicators contained within it, to include Object E public amenities. We would also like to take this opportunity to advise EBs, that following the Government's removal of the COVID-19 restrictions, we anticipate that project site visits will commence in quarter three of 2021/2022. More...

28 Jul 2021

Sending documents to ENTRUST securely

When Environmental Bodies (EBs) enrol with ENTRUST, register projects or take part in a Compliance review, there is often a requirement for the EB to send documents to ENTRUST. These documents can be uploaded via ENTRUST Online (EOL), which is a secure transfer to our database and ensures that documents are scanned for viruses. EBs should not transfer documents to ENTRUST using file sharing applications like WeTransfer, Dropbox, or Hightail (formerly YouSendIt) as ENTRUST cannot guarantee the security of these file transfer sites or scan the files for viruses. More...

20 Jul 2021

ENTRUST Guidance Manual Update July 2021

We continue to listen to feedback from Environmental Bodies (EBs) on our Guidance Manual and periodically update it to ensure that it remains as clear and helpful as possible. We have updated the Guidance Manual as follows: More...


Press enquiry contact

For all press enquiries please contact communications or call our Communications Manager on 01926 488 322.