
Welcome to ENTRUST News.

7 Oct 2021

LCF Value for Money (VfM) Report 2020/2021

In accordance with the Terms of Approval (TOA) and the agreed Reporting Schedule between ENTRUST and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in our 2021-2024 Corporate plan, in August 2021 ENTRUST provided HMRC with a Value for Money (VfM) report containing an analysis for the period 2018/2019 to 2020/2021 of the value of Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) monies invested in projects and VfM data for projects completed in the 2020/2021 reporting year. More...

4 Oct 2021

Landfill Operators Annual Briefing Note 2021

Following discussion with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in 2017 we agreed it would be constructive and informative to send Landfill Operators (LOs) who contribute to the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) an annual briefing on the Fund. More...

14 Sep 2021

EB Compliance visits

During the COVID-19 pandemic, in line with government guidance we suspended all physical compliance visits to Environmental Bodies (EBs). During 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 to date we have undertaken our compliance programme through a mix of telephone, email and video conferencing. We would like to thank all EBs who have had a compliance inspection during this period for their patience, co-operation and support for this approach. More...

3 Sep 2021

Basic Training September 2021

ENTRUST continues to run an annual programme of training events for Environmental Bodies (EBs) to support EBs to comply with the requirements of the Landfill Tax Regulations (1996) and ENTRUST guidance. More...


Press enquiry contact

For all press enquiries please contact communications or call our Communications Manager on 01926 488 322.