Publication of 2022/2023 EB Benchmarking Data
Entrust has committed to publishing anonymised metrics about the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). More...
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Entrust has committed to publishing anonymised metrics about the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). More...
Following consultation with EBs, we have agreed an action plan with the top ten EBs. Even though these points have arisen from feedback with the top ten EBs, we as ever would be receptive any feedback from other EBs. More...
We are pleased to present Entrust's Compliance Inspector Standards, which outlines the standards and expectations for Compliance Inspectors (CIs) in carrying out their assurance review work under the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996. More...
We have rolled forward the financial year in EOL to 2023/2024. More...
Since March 2014, an annual training programme has been delivered for Environmental Bodies (EBs). More...