
Welcome to ENTRUST News.

20 Dec 2016

The LCF in Wales

Responsibility for the new Welsh Landfill Tax will be transferred to the Welsh Government on 1 April 2018. This impacts on the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) in Wales which will also cease after 31 March 2018. More...

15 Dec 2016

ENTRUST Office Closure

The ENTRUST office will be closed from 1pm on Friday 16 December and will reopen at 9am on Monday 19 December. More...

5 Dec 2016

EOL available again

EOL is now up and running again. If you experience any further problems, please contact our Helpline on 01926 488300. We apologise for any inconvenience this morning whilst the system was not available. More...

5 Dec 2016

Entrust Online (EOL) temporarily unavailable

We apologise that EOL is temporarily unavailable this morning. We are working to get it back on line as soon as possible, and will post on our website as soon as we have an update on the position ore EOL is available again. More...