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29 Jun 2017

ENTRUST online (EOL) updates

Following feedback from Environmental Bodies (EBs) we continue to improve ENTRUST online (EOL). We have made the following changes this week: More...

20 Jun 2017

Devolution of Landfill Tax to Wales from April 2018

Landfill Tax is scheduled to be devolved to Wales in April 2018 when the Welsh Government is expected to introduce a Landfill Disposals Tax. This impacts on the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) in Wales which will also cease after 31 March 2018. There will be a two year transitional period after Landfill Tax is devolved when unspent funds can continue to be spent on projects in Wales. More...

5 Jun 2017

ENTRUST Open Day 29 June 2017

Our Annual Open Day will take place on Thursday 29 June. As an open and transparent regulator we believe our Open Day is an important opportunity for staff, trustees and volunteers from EBs to come and meet our staff, find out more about ENTRUST and have the chance to talk through any issues they have about the LCF or their projects. More...

30 May 2017

Feedback from the Risk Model Sounding Board

Following feedback from stakeholders in 2016/2017, we have been consulting on the operation of our compliance risk model to ensure that it continues to provide sufficient and accurate information to allocate our limited resources to enable us to deliver our statutory assurance role. More...