
Welcome to ENTRUST News.

9 Mar 2018

ENTRUST Helpline - Statutory Annual Return option

It is a statutory requirement for all Environmental Bodies (EBs) to submit a Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) by 28 April each year. This can mean that our Helpline becomes busy during April with enquiries relating to the Annual Return. To support EBs with any questions about the Statutory Annual Return and ensure calls are able to be dealt with as quickly as possible we have updated our phone system to include a specific option for those with enquiries about their Annual Return. More...

26 Feb 2018

Getting Ready for your Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) 2017/2018

As an Environmental Body (EB) enrolled with us it is a statutory requirement that you submit a Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) by 28 April 2018. The Annual Return covers the period of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. Whilst 28 April 2018 is the deadline, you do not need to wait until then to complete your Annual Return if your Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) activity for the year 2017/2018 has been completed. Additionally, it is important to note that 28 April 2018 falls on a Saturday and the ENTRUST office will not be open to assist you with your Annual Return on the deadline day. More...