
Welcome to ENTRUST News.

5 Apr 2018

ENTRUST Corporate Plan 2018 - 2021

We are pleased to publish our Corporate Plan for 2018-2021. This year's Corporate Plan has been shaped to reflect changes in the size of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), but still recognising the important contribution that it makes to local communities and the environment and ENTRUST's role in ensuring that LCF monies are spent compliantly. More...

4 Apr 2018

Statutory Annual Return: Form 4 Deadline 28 April 2018

It is a statutory requirement for all Environmental Bodies (EBs) enrolled with ENTRUST to submit a Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) by 28 April 2018. Please note that this year, 28 April falls on a Saturday and the ENTRUST office will not be open to assist you with your Annual Return on the deadline day. More...

28 Mar 2018

Updates to the ENTRUST Regulator Standards (ERS)

The ERS was approved by the ENTRUST Board and published in 2014, reflecting the Government's Regulators' Code which was published in April 2014. The Regulators' Code came into effect under the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006. The Act was extended under the Enterprise Act 2016 which requires regulatory bodies to report on how implementation of the code has affected their regulatory functions and the impacts on those they regulate. More...