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13 Mar 2020

ENTRUST working arrangements during Coronavirus: Covid-19

As a responsible organisation, ENTRUST has taken appropriate and proportionate steps to ensure that we carry on providing services to our stakeholders, while fully complying with the UK Government and Public Health England's guidance in helping to manage, mitigate and recognise the impact that the virus may have on our stakeholders and staff. More...

12 Mar 2020

Budget 2020 Landfill Communities Fund Update

As part of the Budget announcement on 11 March 2020, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) published their Overview of Tax Legislation and Rates document which included paragraph 2.38 which relates to the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF): More...

11 Mar 2020

Budget 2020

Following the Budget announcement on Wednesday 11 March 2020, the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) for 2020-2021 is set at £35m. The diversion cap for contributions from Landfill Operators will remain at 5.3 per cent. More...