
Welcome to ENTRUST News.

18 Mar 2021

ENTRUST systems issues - update

We are still experiencing some difficulties with access to our email system, however access to ENTRUST Online (EOL) has now been restored. More...

18 Mar 2021

ENTRUST systems issues

We are currently experiencing difficulties with accessing our IT systems, including emails and ENTRUST Online (EOL). More...

4 Mar 2021

Budget 2021 Landfill Tax Briefing

Following the Budget on 3 March 2021, HMRC have released their Landfill Tax Briefing which states the following in relation to the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF): More...

3 Mar 2021

Budget 2021

Following the Budget announcement on Wednesday 3 March 2021, the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) for 2021-2022 is set at £34.4m. The diversion cap for contributions from Landfill Operators will remain at 5.3 per cent. More...