October 10, 2024

What is the LCF?


The aim of the fund, is to enhance the provision of amenities and protect the environment in the localities of landfill activity

The Landfill Communities Fund is the name given to the scheme that allows Landfill Operators (LOs) to contribute funds to community and environmental projects and register the amount on their Landfill Tax Return. This has been running since 1996, and is part of the Landfill Tax Regulations (1996).

In return, HMRC give a tax credit to the LO to the value of 90% of the contribution, and communities that receive project funding often meet the 10% shortfall. These funds are managed and distributed by Environmental Bodies (EBs) who we (Entrust) regulate as the HMRC appointed Regulator.

The aim of the fund, is primarily to enhance the provision of amenities and protect the environment in the localities of landfill activity, giving back to the communities who are negatively impacted by the activity. All recipients of funding are not-for-profit organisations.

The types of projects that can be funded are set out in the Regulations and are called Objects:

Object A: The remediation or restoration of land which cannot now be used because of a ceased activity that used to take place there.

Object B: The reduction, prevention or mitigation of effects of pollution that has resulted, or may result, from an activity which has now ceased.

Object D: The provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or another public amenity.

Object DA: The conservation of a specific species or a specific habitat where it naturally occurs.

Object E: The repair, maintenance or restoration of a place of worship or a place of architectural importance.

If you are involved with a not-for-profit group, and are looking for funding, these are the steps to take:

– Work out if your project is close enough to a landfill site with our online tool to be eligible to go to the next stage, and find a funder who may be able to help.

– Find the funders who operate in your general area. Our tool on the website front page works by county, so you will need to go to each funders website, or contact them to find out if they support your specific Postcode.

– Your funder will guide you through the process, and will register all the details with us on your behalf, *so there is no need to enrol with us.

*Enrolment is for those who receive funds directly from a landfill Operator, which is rare, as the majority of funding is distributed by the funding bodies found on the funder search tool – please do not apply unless you have written confirmation from the Landfill Operator that they have agreed to fund your project.

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