Projects / Sunny Bank Vale Maintenance Programme 2025

Sunny Bank Vale Maintenance Programme 2025

To maintain Sunny Bank Vale, to continue its attraction to the local community by mowing footpath verges, weed spraying footpaths and clearing fallen leaves. Cutting back obstructive foliage, repairing footpaths, improving wood chippings paths, and other site maintenance tasks required to ensure the widest possible community use of the site for example fence repairs, pond and wildflower/flower area maintenance / improvements (including the purchase of suitable materials where volunteers can undertake tasks rather than contractors). The project will also include the treatment of invasive Japanese Knotweed at the site.

Works will ensure the site is kept in the best possible condition, encouraging use of the space by the public and benefiting wildlife at the site. Visitors to the Vale will enjoy a more pleasant experience having a network of clear footpaths crossing the site which can be used throughout the year in all weather conditions.

Sunny Bank Vale borders the outskirts of an inner city area providing a natural oasis adjacent to a major urban area.

EB Number


Estimated Start


Estimated Finish



M43 6JZ



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