Projects / Staveley Woodlands – Access Improvements, Interpretation and a New Children’s Trail

Staveley Woodlands – Access Improvements, Interpretation and a New Children’s Trail

Staveley Woodlands is a mosaic of habitats covering an area of 23ha (comprising Craggy Wood, Dorothy Farrer’s Spring Woods and link land joining the two). The project will improve the site specifically by:
Installing signage / interpretation and a children’s trail panel in the welcome area; Installing signage / orientation panels / fingerposts at other entry points; Installing way-marker posts and way-marker discs to lead people around the woodlands; Creating a children’s trail comprising bespoke posts and clue discs, benches and an interactive play space; Installing additional benches and amphitheatre style benches; Installing interpretation panels at key locations around the site; Undertaking improvement works to the deteriorating boardwalks and bridges.

Works will encourage use of the site by the public and improve the visitor experience. With an easier to navigate site, and places to rest around the woods, the site will be accessible to more people.

Staveley Woodlands is a well used community asset. The craggy slopes, with views of the Lake District fells, prove popular with local walkers, tourists and community groups.

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Estimated Finish






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