Projects / Reach Village Centre

Reach Village Centre

The project is to replace the roof at Reach Village Hall, which is operated by the charity Reach Village Centre. Work will include: erection of scaffolding, removal of old vents on the ridge line, removal of existing tiles (ridge tiles to be subsequently re-bedded), taking up current battens and felt, exposing the rafters, checking the roof timbers, laying down new breathable felt, re-battening the roof, stripping out existing lead gulley and replacing, retiling using all new matching plain tiles, fitting new fibre cement under-cloak to the verge edges, and chimney repairs.

Reach Village Hall is a beloved village amenity which has hosted a wide variety of village events including birthday parties, classes, choir practices, christenings, elections, funeral wakes, garden parties, harvest suppers, parish council meetings, Reach Fair stalls, Senior’s Christmas Lunch and Christmas Tree Lights Switch-on (with the Cambridge Brass Band playing for us), sewing classes, Tai chi classes, Village Centre meetings, Weddings, Wine-tastings, Yoga sessions etc. It is hard to over-state the importance of the Village Hall in the community’s social environment, providing as it does a place for meeting, recreation, study, skills development, exercise, celebration, socialising and worship. Maintaining it in good working order is critical the village’s social fabric.

EB Number


Estimated Start


Estimated Finish



CB25 0JD



Object Type(s)


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