Projects / Maximising Margins at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Maximising Margins at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Llanelli Wetland Centre is one of nine centres managed by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT). In 2000, WWT transformed 53ha of low-grade farming pasture next to the Llanelli reserve into a rich mosaic of wetland habitats. This area, now called the Millennium Wetlands, contains habitats of great conservation importance. It has been designated a National Key Site for Water Vole and acts as a buffer habitat to the adjacent Burry Inlet, an internationally important wetland. However, this area is now under threat from encroaching trees and scrub. Dense stands of trees have grown tall and are encroaching on water bodies; shading out aquatic vegetation and increasing the natural progression of wetlands to drier habitats. This project aims to open up c5.71km of pond/water body margins overgrown with trees and scrub, restoring four Priority Habitats (reedbed, coastal and floodplain grazing marsh, ponds and wet woodland) and benefiting important wetland wildlife such as water vole, lapwing, reed bunting and bittern.

EB Number


Estimated Start


Estimated Finish



SA14 9SH



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