Resources and How To Guides

In this section of our website, you can access all of our published 'How To' guides and training resources. These guides and documents have been created to support Environmental Bodies (EBs) in all of their Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) activities and responsibilities. The table shows all of the documents with a brief description of the training resource. You can then click on the orange link under the 'file type' column to access the resource.

In addition, we have made several helpful videos to help in the following areas: 


If you are looking for the Entrust Guidance Manual this is available in the Guidance section of our website. The Guidance section sets out the obligations and responsibilities that EBs must adhere to and this is what compliance is assessed against. The guides below are practical resources to explain how to complete forms or find funding. They also include helpful introductory guides and a handover checklist for when one volunteer or member of staff needs to hand over responsibilities to another person.

If you still require further advice or support please contact the ENTRUST Helpline by calling 01926 488 300 or email

Name Description File Type
How to use ENTRUST Online (EOL) for the first time

How to use ENTRUST Online (EOL) for the first time.

[Published: July 2018]

pdf - Download
How to update an EB Main Contact through EOL

How to update an EB Main Contact through EOL.

[Published: July 2018]

pdf - Download
How to update EB Governing Members through EOL

How to update EB Governing Members through EOL.

[Published: July 2018]

pdf - Download
Environmental Body Director’s Background Briefing

This provides an introduction for Governing Members on the obligations and responsibilities that they must consider in managing their EB.

[Updated: August 2020]

pdf - Download
How to Find Funding

This guide provides a brief introduction to the two ways organisations can find funding from the LCF.

[Published: May 2020]

pdf - Download
Locating a landfill site

Locating a landfill site

[Published: July 2021]

pdf - Download
Handover Checklist

This checklist provides a helpful guide for when there is a handover to a new main contact at an EB.

[Published: October 2021]

pdf - Download
Reporting and record keeping responsibilities

This guide is an introduction to the reporting and record keeping responsibilities of EBs.

[Published: September 2021]

pdf - Download
Contributing Third Party decision tree for EBs

This guide is a Contributing Third Party (CTP) decision tree which allows EBs to check that their potential CTP is compliant.

[Published: November 2015]

pdf - Download
Contributing Third Party CTP Examples

This guide provides worked examples of potential Contributing Third Party (CTP) scenarios to aid EBs in determining whether a payment will be compliant.

[Published: July 2018]

pdf - Download
Guide to submitting a Form 1: applying to enrol as an Environmental Body

A guide to submitting a Form 1: applying to enrol as an Environmental Body using EOL.

[Published: July 2018]

pdf - Download
Enrolment Checklist for Applicants

A checklist for organisations completing their application to enrol as an Environmental Body.

[Published: April 2020]

pdf - Download
EB Enrolment Online Training Module

This is a short online training module that covers the main requirements of being an EB which can be used for those new to the LCF and as a refresher.

[Published: April 2017]

pdf - Download
Guide to submitting a Form 2: project application using EOL

A guide to submitting a Form 2 project application using EOL.

[Published: April 2021]

pdf - Download
Project File Checklist

This checklist allows EBs to ensure their project files contain all the necessary documents.

[Published: September 2021]

pdf - Download
Guide to submitting a Form 3: contribution received directly from a Landfill Operator through EOL

This document provides an overview of the process to submit a contribution from a Landfill Operator through ENTRUST online (EOL).

[Published: September 2021]

pdf - Download
Easy Start Guide to Completing Form 4 Annual Return

An easy start guide to completing your Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) on EOL.

[Published: December 2020]

pdf - Download
Guide to completing Form 4 Annual Return

A guide to completing the Statutory Annual Return (Form 4) when your EB has received and/or spent LCF money.

[Published: October 2021]

pdf - Download
Guide to completing Form 4: Nil Return

A guide to completing the Statutory Annual (Nil) Return (Form 4) when your EB has not had or spent any LCF funds.

[Published: December 2020].

pdf - Download
Guide to submitting a Form 7: Transfer of monies between Environmental Bodies through ENTRUST online

A guide to Form 7: Transfer of monies between Environmental Bodies, submitting a transfer through ENTRUST online (EOL).

[Published: October 2021]

pdf - Download
Guide to submitting a Form 9: project completion form using EOL

A guide to submitting a Form 9: project completion form using EOL.

[Published: October 2021]

pdf - Download
How to upload documents using ENTRUST Online (EOL)

How to upload documents using ENTRUST Online (EOL)

[Published August 2019]

pdf - Download
How to access information about your EB’s LCF activity using EOL

This resource provides a comprehensive guide to EBs in using EOL to obtain information about their LCF activities, using information already reported.

[Published: September 2018]

pdf - Download
How to request Voluntary Revocation through ENTRUST Online (EOL)

How to request Voluntary Revocation through ENTRUST Online (EOL)

[Published: March 2022]

pdf - Download

Need Help?


Q. How does the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) work?


Landfill Operators (LOs) in England and Northern Ireland pay a landfill tax to HMRC for every tonne of waste they dispose of.

The LCF is is a tax credit scheme that helps offset some of the negative impacts of living near landfill sites. Under the schenme, LOs can direct part of their landfill tax to non-profit organisations that run community and environmental projects near these sites. To receive LCF funds directly from an LO, these organisations must enroll with Entrust as EBs. However, most organisations receive funds from funding EBs, which distribute money on behalf of LOs. A list of these funding EBs is available on our website, and enrolment with Entrust is not required when receiving funds from them.

Q. I’m not sure whether my project idea is eligible to receive funding from the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). How do I find out?


Projects can be registered in England or Northern Ireland. Have a look at the Objects page and our Guidance Manual (Part 4: submitting a project) to see if your project idea fits with any of the areas that are eligible for funding. If you need further information contact our Helpline and we will advise you whether your project is eligible or not.

Q. How do we access Entrust funds?


There are no 'Entrust funds'. We are the Regulator of the LCF and we do not provide or distribute funds in any way. You can find out about how to obtain LCF funding from our finding funding page.

Register to use ENTRUST Online (EOL)

As a user of EOL you can enrol as an Environmental Body (EB), register projects and return your forms online.

Register Now