Key Statistics and Impact

Here, you can dive into the latest impactful numbers from the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). To ensure this information remains current we automatically refresh this page each night to include data provided by EBs through EOL the previous day.

Additionally, we publish a Value for Money summary, analysing how LCF funds have been invested in projects over the last three years. This analysis, reported to HMRC, is accessible on the right side of this page.

Please note: The contributions figure excludes any income generated from LCF funds, such as bank interest. However, the expenditure information includes both contributions from Landfill Operators (LOs) and any income derived from these contributions.




Environmental Bodies

The total number of enrolled bodies with ENTRUST1209The total number of Environmental Bodies that have received landfill tax funding4173

Landfill Tax Monies

Contributions£1,837,538,743Total spend so far by EBs (including Income Derived)£1,903,832,437Total spend so far by EBs on Projects£1,708,286,350

Total spent on the Objects of the Landfill Communities Fund

The remediation of land (Object A)£26,823,148The prevention of pollution (Object B)£2,151,746The reduction of waste (Object C)£240,189,652The recycling of waste (Object CC)£4,662,122Public parks and public amenities (Object D)£1,169,338,458Biodiversity conservation (Object DA)£147,336,418The restoration of places of worship and historic buildings (Object E)£115,244,775The provision of services to other EBs (Object F)£2,540,032

Total number of projects that have been approved by ENTRUST

The remediation of land (Object A)436The prevention of pollution (Object B)63The reduction of waste (Object C)5410The recycling of waste (Object CC)66Public parks and public amenities (Object D)52760Biodiversity conservation (Object DA)4571The restoration of places of worship and historic buildings (Object E)8353The provision of services to other EBs (Object F)51

The total number of projects that are currently underway

The remediation of land (Object A)1The prevention of pollution (Object B)0The reduction of waste (Object C)0The recycling of waste (Object CC)0Public parks and public amenities (Object D)559Biodiversity conservation (Object DA)81The restoration of places of worship and historic buildings (Object E)30The provision of services to other EBs (Object F)0

The total number of projects that have been completed

The remediation of land (Object A)356The prevention of pollution (Object B)50The reduction of waste (Object C)4589The recycling of waste (Object CC)62Public parks and public amenities (Object D)46757Biodiversity conservation (Object DA)4086The restoration of places of worship and historic buildings (Object E)7535The provision of services to other EBs (Object F)39